Meadow of a Rabbit

May the memory of that meadow never fade...

This is the official Carrd of all of Lesbunnian's work. All of my stories taking place in the same dimension- The Meadow of a Rabbit.

All Current Story Concepts

Here you can find all of my spoiler-free concept docs.

All of these stories are currently being worked on, though, keep up with this document to see if they are online to read, complete, or being privately worked on.


This is just a list of rules when it comes to interacting with me or my stories and what you can expect from my work. Please read these before coming to interact with my work.

  • I am an adult, so I will write and draw adult themes. All of my stories have a deeper meaning to them and tend to take a tinge of darkness in them, so if a story is labeled as such, (Adult) Do not read it if you are a minor.

  • Heed Trigger Warnings. As I said before, I tend to write darker things, and often awful things are described on the page. I put trigger warnings before any story that I know will have such acts described and enacted on-page in their Concept Docs and synopsis. Please heed them if it is for your benefit.

  • Critique is appreciated, Not Hate. I am always open to critique and getting better at my craft. Though I will not tolerate any shaming or just blunt attacking coming at me or any of my friends.

  • Representation is a priority for me. I am a POC who is also LGBT. So most of the characters fall under said umbrellas as well. I do not tolerate Racism, Homophobia, Paedophilia, or other problematic things directed at me. Some of these things may appear in my work, but I do not and will not ever condone harmful actions towards anyone for just existing.

  • Please stay on topic. Anything with this title is for my work and my work alone. if you wish to become buddy buddy with me, go to my main.

  • Respect my boundaries. As much as I love my craft and deeply hope that they can do something extravagant for someone else, please remember I am a human being. I go to work, pay my bills, love my wife, and live my life just like you do. I will be clear with my boundaries here and I will expect them to be respected. if not, you will be blocked. no ifs and or buts.

  • “Fanwork” is appreciated. As weird as this is to type this, I do appreciate anyone doing anything creative for or around my works, and do not be afraid to show me. I promise you, I will love it regardless.

  • All of my works are by me. Of course, I have friends who help in progression (and if they help in bigger manners they will be tagged) but all ideas, art, the writing, the graphics, formatting, marketing, all done by me. So, NO using my works without my permission for anything for the benefit of money. Fanworks or Au verses are free from this rule as I do not mind my works being a bouncing pad for other creations, as long as it is of your own mind.

  • Have Fun! After all, I am making these works and selling them mostly because its my dream. Money is nice, but sharing my art, stories, videos, and more with others to inspire or brighten their day is my goal in life and honestly, whatever little or bunch of support you give me I appreciate.

About Lesbunnian

Hello, My name is Lesbunnian and this is my Carrd to advertise and share my stories far more seriously. To separate from my fun-loving main contacts (@lesbunnian). I am a 21+ adult with a Graphic Design Degree as I share my stories and art to help, inspire, or make people happy. I have a Patreon you can support me on and get early access to writings and art. I also have a Gumroad where digital goods for my stories are sold, including special editions of the stories formatted, written, and graphically designed by me. Versions of my stories that do not have the personalized touch will be on Kindle Unlimited. My Etsy that sells merch of mine made by the printing service Printify! and Finally FictionPress and Wattpad which holds the rough draft versions of my work.

The Meadow of a Rabbit is the name of the dimensional space all of my stories take place in. Canonically, all of my stories share a dimension though take place on differing worlds unless stated otherwise. Leading to all of my stories having similar themes and familiar motifs shared amongst them, as they all share a peculiar origin point- A meadow that existed many many millennia ago.Regardless of what the stories entail, they all work within the loose rules of this dimension- you may ask me about connections, though I will not give away spoilers or direct responses. Though do feed me your theories.This Dimension does include tales of anything. As I write whatever I feel like, though each world and each god or otherwise works differently. Do not expect them to be the same from story to story unless they are indeed connected or in a series.